Is there parking at the garden?
There is parking close to the garden, but not at the garden itself. It is possible to park on Longdown Road, less than a minute from the main entrance to the garden. You can also park on Pewley Hill (4hrs free parking) and then come across Pewley Down following the Burgess Way. Alternatively The no. X bus stops 10 minute walk away from the garden.
Who uses the garden?
People of all walks of life and ages use the garden to grow food, improve infrastructure, socialise and teach. Everyone is welcome.
We also welcome corporate or community groups, school visits, Duke of Edinburgh students, and more.
When is the garden open?
Members are free to visit whenever they like. Upon becoming a member, we will send you a code for the padlock on the gate.
Our official group volunteer times are:
Tuesday 14:00 - 16:00
Friday 10:00 - 12:00
Sunday 14:00 - 16:00
Visitors are welcome to visit during these times (when the garden is manned).
Do I have to pay money to use the garden?
Rosamund Community Garden Membership costs £10. You can also pay £5 extra to become a member of the Guildford Environmental Forum.
This money is used to buy seeds for the garden.
The garden is free for visitors and people who would like to volunteer on Big Job days.
What is the link between the Garden and the Guildford Environmental Forum?
The Community garden in Guildford is currently one of the projects under the Guildford Environmental Forum umbrella.
How accessible is the garden?
There are no laid paths at the garden and in some places the ground is quite uneven. Between the growing beds the site consists of soil mostly covered with grass. Wheelchair users or people with restricted mobility may have some difficulty navigating some parts of the site especially after heavy rain or when the grass around the growing areas has grown tall.
However, opportunities for working in the garden for people of diverse abilities are available all year. Please discuss your needs with us. Users enter the site at their own risk although sensible consideration of the site conditions when moving about with sensible footwear or other aids mean that it is unlikely you will come to harm.
What facilities does the garden have?
We have gas hobs which can be used for making hot drinks, cold running water and soap for washing hands.
We also have two toilets on site; an accessible compost toilet and a tree bog.
What on Earth is a tree bog?
Tree bogs work by using fast growing plants (we use willow) to digest the toilet waste over time and negate any need to handle the compost.
Tree bogs are a fantastic solution for sites that don't have water or sewage, and if used properly offer an odour-less, long-term facility to be enjoyed by all.
Our tree bog is made from 100% recycled and reclaimed materials.
What could I do in the garden?
We're glad you asked; there's so much to do.
You could help:
Propagate seedlings
Sell fruit, herbs and veg
Plant out
Keep vegetation under control and paths clear
Plan new areas in the garden
Maintain structures
Conduct correspondence and marketing
With open days
Educate user groups, like the cubs and brownies
And so much more!
If you have an idea of how you think you can help we would like to hear your ideas.